It must be said that Freud – quite rightly – put our two great religions (to which this paper solely refers) on a par with occultism. In this context, Jung says: “Evidently, he wanted to recruit me to join him in his defence against threatening subconscious (religious, philosophical, the editor) contents”. In other words: Jung had a presentiment regarding Freud’s actual fear. He was much less timid in his job and even spoke to schizophrenics about the bible. However, he had to do this secretly. Otherwise his Swiss colleagues would have declared him insane, Jung said. Freud however needed a dogma as bulwark against his actual fear, the fear of Jahwe’s Hell: He had, after all, killed his God with the words “religion is insanity”, and unfortunately, Gods do not like that at all. In doing so, Freud had committed the greatest sin possible for a Jew to commit. Our “Gods” live on in the subconscious and threaten the Ego with eternal revenge. Freud only received from them a neurosis due to fear of Hell. Only a few days after his “Antichrist” was published, Nietzsche, the “murderer of God” (“we murderers of all murderers), however, was “sent” many years of a schizophrenia due to fear of hell. As far as Nietzsche’s disease is concerned, one must have thoughtlessly presumed, before the causative agent was discovered, that it might be a consequence of having syphilis. Whoever knows Nietzsche though, knows that he never had many intimate relationships with women. It is said that it was not until 1880 that the symptoms of syphilis-induced paralysis appeared. Nietzsche however had suffered hallucinations since he was 24.
According to the philosopher Eckhart Tolle, scientific dogmas are collective mental prisons into which one likes to squeeze “because they…convey a feeling of safety and the false sensation: “I know”. Freud was wrong and only thought he knew. Let us therefore not immediately postulate the Sacco-Syndrome as a dogma and let us not claim religion to be at the root of every mental illness. How intensively our Churches’ concept of sin provides our psychiatrists with work (without realising it) shall be discussed here: The 260 clinical cases which Freud mentions in his “Psychopathology of Every-Day Life” can be categorized into four different “sins” according to the Sermon of the Mount: 57 x insincerity, 122 x selfishness, 39 x impurity, 42 x coldness (according to Tournier). Inventing the concept of sin is a clever move of the Churches, the only thing is, one has to wait a very long time for potential forgiveness. That is different with simple “guilt” which can generally be settled during one’s lifetime. Also, a believer, when considering the word “sin”, immediately thinks of the “mercy” which is necessary for the forgiveness of sin. The reason being that without the only potentially granted mercy which is sung about in the more than 100 songs, the sinner, according to the current official Church doctrine, will end up in eternal hell. The modern cleric governs with the concept of “potential mercy”. They find a God of Love, in their words a wellness God, unpleasant, because he does not allow them to satisfy their own thoughts of revenge. Our Churches claim that tiny trespasses (stealing an apple off God) are in themselves gigantic sins, and this trick serves as breeding ground for the every-day mental diseases. In view of this fact, how can anyone dispute that we are trapped in religious Middle Ages.